Sunday, May 2, 2010

Mother, turn your heart towards home!!!

"We have forsaken what is good with what is BEST. The days can be filled with many temptations, all enticing our souls, minds and our hearts away what is God’s best for us. I believe many of us unknowingly choose such busyness for our lives falsely assuming it is the norm, but what we really need is to just live more simply. Simplicity helps to restore peace and order.

Sometimes we need to pare away the unnecessary things in our lives. This might be saying no to outside activities or events. This might be stepping down from some ministry positions we have found ourselves in. This could be putting some of your favorite craft projects on hold to be able to do some real work around the home. This might also mean taking a long break from the internet if we find it always tugging at our hearts pulling us away from our first duties."

Posted By Mrs. June Fuentes

Read the entire article here ~!

Blessings, Tracylea

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About Me

A Keeper of My Home, a wife, a mother, a friend, A God lover, Christ worshipper. I am wife of one really cute man, mommie of one fantastic son and daughter of Christ. I love to Keep My Home. It is my favorite thing to do.