Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Let Him Lead

Hello sweet girlfriends. I pray this wonderful spring day is productive and God pleasing for you. This morning I was reading some of my favorite blogs and came across this one at Women Living Well. Mmm, mmm, that Courtney is right on.~!

Give your husband room and time to mature. Pray for his leadership rather than criticize it. Take note when he does do something right. Your husband is in a place of inescapable leadership. That is a tremendous burden to carry. Lighten his load, step back and let your husband lead.~ Women Living Well Blog

Do you have a mental checklist? I sure did. My husband is reserved and quiet by nature and I am loud and demanding, lol. We are complete opposites, as the Lord knew, and therefore our styles of living life are different.

Over the years I have learned, often the hard way, to respect my husbands leadership by using my personality to lighten his load not to cause him burdens. This did not come easy and I don't always do it right. But through much trail and many errors I have learned the the role of leadership in our home is not one I want, nor am equipped, to have. And I praise our Lord for that.

The Lord created us to be different. Your husband was created to be the leader in your home, you were created to be his helpmeet. Do you have a mental list? If you do, pray about it, seek God's word, learn your role and throw the list out. Sit down with you husband and see how you can help him most today. Pray for him, pray for yourself. Praise God for making your husband who he is.

Ladies, let you husband lead, that is what he was created to do.

Blessings, Tracylea

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! I have that print on my bedroom wall! I have long referred to my husband as my "White Knight" - he has rescued me from many things over the last seventeen years and is my perfect match. We lead together, but when it comes to brass tacks, he has the last word, even if it is only to back me up with the kids :)



About Me

A Keeper of My Home, a wife, a mother, a friend, A God lover, Christ worshipper. I am wife of one really cute man, mommie of one fantastic son and daughter of Christ. I love to Keep My Home. It is my favorite thing to do.